Find below the answers to frequently asked questions.

What is a Flight review?

A Flight review is a feedback of a flight experience. On Flightreviews.net, this feedback can take two different forms: either a Detailed review or a Short review. These Flight reviews are inserted in a database to evaluate the quality of products offered by airlines and airports. This allows passengers to be better informed about what to expect on their next trip.

What is the difference between a Detailed review and a Short review?

On Flightreviews.net, we offer our users the possibility to contribute to our database by making two types of Flight reviews.

  • A Detailed review is a complete Flight review with a story, text, photos, videos... to support it. Create a Detailed review if you want to share your complete airport and in-flight experience with other users. Note that Detailed reviews require some work, as well as a number of good quality photos to support your story.
  • The Short review is the best way to help expand our rate databases without spending time writing a full review of your trip. Create a Short review and rate the services with a fast, intuitive and convenient rating system. Review your flight in minutes: a very quick and easy way to contribute to a more comfortable air-travel experience.

What are the requirements to create a Detailed review?

The only requirements to create a Detailed review are that you have a flight experience to share and enough photos to illustrate your review.

A Detailed review must contain at least 25 photos. These photos must be taken by you. In addition, to optimize the reading comfort of our users, we mainly accept landscape photos.

You don't need sophisticated equipment to create a Detailed review, but only photos – which can be taken with a smartphone – and a personal text.

So everyone can share their flight experience with a Detailed review on Flightreviews.net!

What are the requirements to create a Short review?

The only requirements to create a Short review are that you have a flight experience to share and a document to support your flight.

Indeed, since it’s a Short review, you don’t need any photos, videos or even text. However, to prove the veracity of your ratings, Flightreviews.net asks you to import a document proving your flight (e.g. photo of a physical boarding pass, electronic boarding pass, electronic ticket...). Please note that this document is kept only for the duration of the audit.

So everyone can share their flight experience with a Short review on Flightreviews.net!

Does my flight deserve a Flight review?

Every flight is interesting and every passenger is unique. Therefore, your personal experience deserves your opinion and feedback, regardless of the airline, the type of aircraft or the airports.

Do I still have the option to publish a Flight review if my trip took place years ago?

Yes of course. Flightreviews.net is above all a platform for sharing travel experiences. Thus, it is always interesting to see the change in an airline over time.

Can I still publish a Flight review without any pictures?

Yes, on Flightreviews.net, you can make Short reviews, the best way to help expand our rate databases without spending time writing a full review of your trip. These reviews do not require any photos of the trip, or even text. A very quick and easy way to contribute to a more comfortable air-travel experience.

However, to get the most out of the Flightreviews.net experience by providing Detailed reviews with a real story, it is necessary to provide a number of good quality photos; it is impossible to create a Detailed review without photos.

How do I make a Flight review on Flightreviews.net?

Do you want to make a Flight review on Flightreviews.net? You are afraid that it is too tedious or complicated? You don't really know where to start? Flightreviews.net has developed a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial to help you to write your first Flight review on Flightreviews.net. Follow the tutorial

What happens when a Flight review is submitted? Why haven't you published my review yet?

All reviews published on Flightreviews.net are pre-screened by our team. This guarantees the veracity of what is said in a review as well as the quality of the story and photos (regarding Detailed reviews), thus ensuring a comfortable reading experience for our users.

Once a Flight review is submitted, our team will check it and publish it if it meets our requirements. Note that this verification can vary from a few hours to several days.

Who can see my Flight reviews? Until when?

Regarding Detailed reviews, if your Flight review is published on Flightreviews.net, it will be publicly visible by all users. It will be displayed on your personal profile, on the various pages of the website, possibly highlighted on the social networks of Flightreviews.net and indexed on search engines. It will remain on Flightreviews.net indefinitely.

Regarding Short reviews, if your Flight review is published on Flightreviews.net, it will be publicly visible to all users who visit your profile. However, the review itself will not be featured elsewhere.

Regarding Detailed and Short reviews, all data entered (flight information and ratings) will be used to enrich our databases and may be used anonymously in rankings.

In accordance with our Privacy Policy, you may request that your Flight review (both Detailed and Short) be removed from the website at any time. Learn more about your rights

If I upload my photos to Flightreviews.net, will they be copyright free?

No, in accordance with our Intellectual Property Policy, all the elements published on Flightreviews.net are the exclusive property of Flightreviews.net, its photographic partners, its editors or its users. Thus, all photos on the website – including those of Flight reviews – are subject to copyright, which makes them the exclusive property of their author. Their use is therefore prohibited without the agreement of their original author.

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