How to make a Flight review?

Do you want to make a Flight review on You are afraid that it is too tedious or complicated? You don't really know where to start? Follow this tutorial to guide you step by step in this process, in order to help you to make your first Flight review on

Please note that for reasons of writing comfort, the writing system is only available from a computer. The following features are not available from a smartphone or a tablet.

1- Log in or sign up allows its registered users to make Flight reviews.

To do so, please log in to your account or create an account if you do not have one yet. The process is very fast, simple and completely free.

2- Go to your profile

Once you have logged in to your account, go to your profile page.

This page serves as your dashboard where you will find all the features related to your account, creating reviews, etc. This is also where you will find your Flight reviews that are being written, analyzed or even published.

3- Create a Trip

On, each Flight review is included in a Trip. This allows you to group your reviews by trip, by period, by date.

You can group as many flights as you want in a single Trip. Moreover, even if you share only one review, it must be included in a Trip.

So, before making a Flight review, you must create your first Trip by clicking on the Add a new Trip button available at the top of your profile page. You are asked to give a name to your Trip. This name will then be displayed on your profile.

Examples of the distribution of Flight reviews in Trips

Weekend in Rome:

  • London - Rome
  • Rome - London

Trip to New York:

  • Paris - Frankfurt
  • Frankfurt - New York
  • New York - Munich
  • Munich - Paris

Trip to Asia:

  • Los Angeles - Singapore
  • Singapore - Bali
  • Bali - Bangkok
  • Bangkok - Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong - Tokyo
  • Tokyo - Los Angeles

4- Create a Flight review

Once your Trip is created, you can finally create your first Flight review. To do this, in your newly created trip, go to and then Make a new review.

Be careful to create the review in the right Trip. It will not be possible to change its location afterwards.

Choose the type of Flight review

You will then be asked to choose between two review options: Detailed review and Short review. Indeed, on, we offer our users the possibility to contribute to our database by making two types of Flight reviews.

  • A Detailed review is a complete Flight review with a story, text, photos, videos to support it. Create a Detailed review if you want to share your complete airport and in-flight experience with other users. Note that Detailed reviews require some work, as well as a number of good quality photos to support your story.
  • The Short review is the best way to help expand our rate databases without spending time writing a full review of your trip. Create a Short review and rate the services with a fast, intuitive and convenient rating system. Review your flight in minutes: a very quick and easy way to contribute to a more comfortable air-travel experience.

The approach will then be slightly different depending on the type of review chosen. Please select the appropriate option below.

You are about to do your first Detailed review. There are four steps to make a Detailed review:

Each of these steps will be explained in detail below.

Step 1: General information

This section allows you to enter general information about your flight. Find below some remarks or advices to fill these fields.

  • Departure airport and arrival airport
    • If you are passing through a city where there are several airports, make sure you select the right one.
    • If an airport is not listed, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can add it to our database as soon as possible.
  • Airline
    • If your airline is not present in the list, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can add it to our database as soon as possible.
  • Flight
    • This is the flight number that appears on your boarding pass.
  • Class
    • If you are traveling in Domestic First Class (in the US for example), please select "Business class".
  • Seat
  • Aircraft
    • If you are unsure about the type of your aircraft, it is usually indicated on your booking confirmation. You can also use tools like Flightradar24 or Flightera to find it.
  • Registration
    • This field is optional. However, it is recommended. You can use tools such as Flightradar24 or Flightera to find it if you have not noted it.
  • Date
    • Date of departure of the flight
  • Flight time
    • If possible, please indicate the exact duration of your flight, and not the duration initially planned. You can find this on sites like Flightradar24 or Flightera.

Once you have entered all the required information, click on Next step to proceed to the second step.

Step 2: Photos upload

Now it's time to import all the photos you want to put in your Flight review.

In the field provided, upload up to 20 photos simultaneously. You can only import photos in .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif formats. Each image cannot exceed 20 Mb.

After selecting your photos, wait until they all appear below. The import may take some time, depending on your internet connection. Once the 20 pictures are imported, you can import more.

Please ensure that all uploaded photos/screenshots were taken by you. Otherwise, these will be rejected.

In the interest of quality, please note that a minimum of 25 photos per review is required. Also, to optimize the reading comfort of our users, we mainly accept landscape photos. Photos in portrait format will be rejected by our team. Finally, Flight reviews containing poor quality or inappropriate photos may be rejected by our team.

And most importantly... Don't limit yourself and don't hesitate to import as many pictures as possible! The more visual content you have, the more illustrated your Flight review will be and the more pleasant it will be to read!

Once you have imported all your photos, click on Next step to proceed to the third step.

Step 3: Review writing

We've come to the most important step in a review: writing!

When you write a Flight review, feel free! It's your Flight review, and you can include your comments and criticisms as long as they are constructive. Note that it is also always interesting if you have the possibility to accompany your photos with a text, and vice versa so that each idea is illustrated.

In the text editor, you can format your text as you wish. Titles; bold, italic, underlined text... everything is done so that you can let your imagination run free, so that reading is as comfortable as possible and your Flight review looks like you! You can also add links (to other Flight reviews for instance).

You can also insert previously imported photos in the desired places in the text. To do this, simply drag the photos from the left sidebar into the text editor where you want them. Don't forget to alternate between text and photos for a more comfortable reading experience!

You may want to separate your Flight review into different parts. These parts can be declared using headings, accessible from the editor's menu bar. There are two levels of headings: Heading 1 and Heading 2. Heading 1 is to be used to separate large parts (e.g. Departure airport) while Heading 2 can be used for sub-parts (e.g. Check-in, Security checks, Transit area, etc.).

When you define a part with a Heading 1, the title of this part will appear in the table of contents on the left-hand side of the Flight review. This makes it very easy for the reader to navigate between the different parts of your review.

If you have a YouTube channel and share your Flight reviews on it, you have the possibility to integrate your video directly into the Flight review in order to increase your audience. You can for example place it at the end of the review, towards the conclusion. Also, please make sure that the video is public.

Very important: while you are writing, don't forget to save your progress frequently by clicking on "Save"!

We know that it is difficult to know where to start when you are faced with a blank page. So we suggest that you address the following parts for your Detailed review:

  • Introduction
    • This is where you personally introduce your Flight review by putting your readers in the context of the Trip. For example: Where am I? Have I done another Flight review on for a flight that got me to where I am now? What flight am I going on today? Is there anything special about this flight? Am I particularly happy/excited about this flight? If so, why?
  • Departure airport
    • This part invites you to comment on your passenger journey through your departure airport: from check-in to duty-free, through security checks, facilities, the passenger experience in the terminal, the consistency of the passenger journey...
    • Do not hesitate to be really complete in this part which is essential and very interesting.
    • Do not hesitate to talk about the current condition of the airport. For example: Many people? Many flights scheduled? Shops open or closed? Restaurants open or closed? Sanitary measures taken in the airport? If you are travelling in Business/First Class or if you have a high status with an airline: are there special services at check-in? At security checks? Open or closed lounges? etc.
  • At the lounge (optional)
    • If you have had access to a Lounge, give your opinion on it and include as many photos as possible to show the services offered (eg. drinks, buffet, à la carte service, room, bathroom, spa...).
  • Boarding
    • Then comes the part dedicated to boarding, where you can share external photos of the plane from the boarding hall, explaining the boarding procedure (eg. order of call, boarding by group, priorities, passage through gates...), take photos in/from the jetway, talk about the welcome given by the crew, present your first impressions of the aircraft, the cabin...
    • If the crew does something nice for you during boarding (eg. welcome drink, menu/newspapers/hot towel distributed...), don't hesitate to mention it here. As always, don't hesitate to take general pictures of the cabin during boarding, even of other classes than yours!
  • Seat tour
    • Take advantage of the boarding process to present your seat in detail and any features and specifications. For example, you can discuss the legroom, seat recline, tray table, any USB ports or power sockets, any IFE or other entertainment, and any headphones/blankets/pillows that may be fitted to your seat. If you receive an amenity kit, you can take the opportunity to present it. It is important to include photos of the seat in general and pictures of the different parts of the seat and equipment.
  • Taxi and take-off
    • In this section, pictures from the wing view or tail view/gear view (if your aircraft has cameras) are highly recommended.
  • In-flight services
    • This section can be useful to tell everything about the cruise (pictures from the window, your opinions about the crew, the comfort of the seat, the toilets, the cabin, the possible extra services in the galley, even the bar...). All these elements are interesting and greatly enrich the Flight review!
    • Don't forget to comment on the meals you are served during the flight. And please provide photos of the various meals that were served.
  • Descent and arrival
    • Your flight is coming to an end and this is the opportunity to share your best pictures of the approach and the landing. You can also talk here about the taxi to the parking lot, by showing some exterior pictures of the terminal for example.
  • Arrival airport
    • It is now time to leave your aircraft and show the readers the passenger journey you followed on arrival (fluidity, cleanliness, accessibility, services offered, modernity of the airport, personal opinion...).
    • If you are leaving the airport, you can talk about any immigration checks, the waiting time to collect your luggage, how easy it is to get out of the airport and find transport...
    • If you have a connection from now on, don't hesitate to explain how it went, and don't forget to inform the reader that he/she will be able to find the Flight review of your next flight, very soon, on ;)
  • Conclusion
    • In this part, give the readers your final conclusion: your criticisms, your remarks, what you liked and disliked, the points for improvement of the airline, the airports etc.
    • It may be interesting to proceed by making one conclusion per part. For example, conclude independently on the departure airport, the possible lounge, obviously the airline and finally on the arrival airport.
    • Be careful in this part not to denigrate another airline in your conclusion: you can criticise aspects of the Flight review airline by comparing it with other airlines, but you cannot praise the merits of the Flight review airline by denigrating another.

Once you have finished, click on Next step to proceed to the fourth step.

Step 4: Ratings

It is now time to enter all the information that will generate the final objective score.

Follow the procedure by filling in the fields, and our algorithm will do the rest. Please remain objective and honest in your ratings. If our team notices any inconsistencies when checking the review, it may be rejected.

Once you have finished, click on Save and Exit to return to your profile page.

You are about to do your first Short review. There are three steps to make a Short review:

Each of these steps will be explained in detail below.

Step 1: General information

This section allows you to enter general information about your flight. Find below some remarks or advices to fill these fields.

  • Departure airport and arrival airport
    • If you are passing through a city where there are several airports, make sure you select the right one.
    • If an airport is not listed, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can add it to our database as soon as possible.
  • Airline
    • If your airline is not present in the list, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can add it to our database as soon as possible.
  • Flight
    • This is the flight number that appears on your boarding pass.
  • Class
    • If you are traveling in Domestic First Class (in the US for example), please select "Business class".
  • Seat
  • Aircraft
    • If you are unsure about the type of your aircraft, it is usually indicated on your booking confirmation. You can also use tools like Flightradar24 or Flightera to find it.
  • Registration
    • This field is optional. However, it is recommended. You can use tools such as Flightradar24 or Flightera to find it if you have not noted it.
  • Date
    • Date of departure of the flight
  • Flight time
    • If possible, please indicate the exact duration of your flight, and not the duration initially planned. You can find this on sites like Flightradar24 or Flightera.

Once you have entered all the required information, click on Next step to proceed to the second step.

Step 2: Supporting document

Since this is a Short review, we have no text or photos to prove your presence on board this flight. Therefore, to prove the veracity of your ratings, asks you to import a document proving your flight (e.g. photo of a physical boarding pass, electronic boarding pass, electronic ticket...).

You can only import one supporting document, which must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .pdf.

Please note that this document is only kept for the duration of the audit.

Once you have imported all your photos, click on Next step to proceed to the third step.

Step 3: Ratings

It is now time to enter all the information that will generate the final objective score.

Follow the procedure by filling in the fields, and our algorithm will do the rest. Please remain objective and honest in your ratings. If our team notices any inconsistencies when checking the review, it may be rejected.

Once you have finished, click on Save and Exit to return to your profile page.

5- Submit your Flight review

After creating a Flight review, it appears on your profile as a draft. You can then come back to it later to modify it, by clicking on the modification icon . It is also possible to delete a draft by clicking on the trash icon .

Once your Flight review is complete, (well illustrated and proofread concerning Detailed reviews), you can submit it by clicking on the submit icon . Please note that once submitted, a review cannot be modified.

Regarding Detailed reviews, make sure that there are as few mistakes as possible and that you have capitalised all proper nouns (cities, countries, airlines, airports, etc.). After proofreading, don't hesitate to use spelling and syntax correction tools for an additional check.

All Detailed reviews are proofread and, if necessary, corrected before publication, so don't panic if you miss a mistake. However, in order to provide high quality content, please note that Flight reviews with too many spelling or syntax mistakes, or those that are not sufficiently detailed, sloppy or lacking in important photos, may be rejected by our team.

When your Flight review is submitted (whether it is a Detailed or a Short review), it is received by our team who will read it and possibly correct it before it is published. Some reviews may take some time to correct, but we do our best to publish each review as soon as possible.

Once published, a Detailed review can be shared on our social media. Also, feel free to publish your own flight review and promote it!

We sincerely thank you for your contribution. Together, let's take passenger experience to the next level.

6- Your feedback

What do you think of your writing experience? is constantly improving. As such, we welcome feedback on the Flight review writing tool, as well as feedback on the platform in general. Please feel free to send us your feedback, ideas for improvement and comments by clicking here.

7- Still have questions ?

After reading this guide, do you still have questions or concerns about writing a Flight review on We will be happy to help you and answer your questions. Please feel free to contact us.